Sage Ranch Update
I spoke to the City over the years, the local realtors and Greenbriar's people in the field at Sage Ranch.
Captiva never farmed Sage Ranch. A company called "Bornt Farming" tried to JV with Captiva and farm the property but was shut down
by the city because the property is zoned T-4 and the city will not all farming in T-2 to T-5 zoned areas. Schultz property is not in the city and is in the County of Kern. The 38,000 people that comprise Tehachapi Valley, only 12,000 are in the City, the balance of the other 26,000 people live in Kern County unincorporated land, meaning they have no city services and rely on the County.
You can not tell when you exit or enter the city if not for signage as its one contiguous piece of population. Shultz relies on city subsidies to lease his farming properties every year with water the city pays for. The city has had enough.
IMHO the Water District litigation will get quashed by the court with costs awarded to the City and Greenbriar.
Why? Because the RUWMP is over three years overdue. Why? Because the city and all the surrounding communities do not trust the Water District. The whole group of communities paid the Water District to hire the best professional hydrological engineer in California at the choice of the Water District to produce a report on what growth rate the water supply could support. The report said 2.4% which is higher than the city's 2.3% in its WSA for Sage Ranch.
The Water District said that 1% annual growth would support sage Ranch and is all they would allow the city to have. They then offered 1.25%.
The city said no, and said follow the science. The judge will only rely on the science, not on the corrupt opinions of completely conflicted board members who use the water for their farming properties where the produce gets flown to China at the cities expense. No judge will stop the project.
As soon as the Water District is forced to release the report, their litigation is DOA>