Post by
Blindawakening on Aug 10, 2021 12:09am
Still not much price action
Long here since the beginning. Its good all this positive talk but that's all it's been over the last couple years. The facts are the while agriculture sector is hurting and is going to continue to hurt until Covid is under control and everything opened back up. Many agricutural farms are operating well under capacity due to the pandemic. Some operating at 1/10 due to worker shortages. Stock prices isnt going anywhere soon. It may go up a few cents if they anounce a big contract. Otherwise, my charts have it slowly going back down to the .15-.17 cents range. Not yo be negative but take the pandemic out of the picture this would be well into the .30s or .40s by now. With the new Covid 19 Delta variant sadly we wont be seeing much in the next year again...
Comment by
AnakinPadme on Aug 10, 2021 10:25am
You're right about the pressure that agriculture is under and this could really slow things down for GROW. On the other hand, there's an opportunity here -- GROW can help undo some of the damage of COVID for a lot of these growers. Hopefully the growers are coming to realize this.
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SupremeNed on Aug 10, 2021 3:15pm
Since the tech captures co2 and reintroduces it to the plant, i m wondering why not propagate green technology. It s in now..