Comment by
stockwatcher248 on Jul 27, 2022 11:46pm
last years year end staement showed Ferguson's salary as $435,000 with zero revenue for the Company, no significant financing news and devastating results for does a $8.000 purchase excite me...absolutely not!!!....I would feel better if he rebated back to GSP $400,000 of that salary....
Comment by
7Twiggy on Jul 28, 2022 1:06pm
My thoughts exactly. Hard to justify that kind of salary. Always wondered what they did with their time. I have always wondered how much each paid executive spends on the job each day. Looks like around a weeks pay.
Comment by
stockwatcher248 on Jul 28, 2022 7:06pm
BTB....i have always loved Insider buys....usually mens the stock is either too cheap or they are supporting the price for whatever reason....but with Insider trading violations it also tells me that there will be no significant news in the immediate future...