The facts tell this story.
1. High grade gold on trend and continuous from the AUX properties which were purchased for 1.5 billion. Since Galway holds both land fractions extending onto the AUX properties and the adjacent land on trend, it is only logical it will need to be consolidated by AUX since economies of scale dictate increased robust economic efficiencies of such a move.
2. While the indicated and inferred resources recently released reflect a moderate deposit, there is every indication that the total resources within the Galway California property is much greater and will be proven up with additional drilling.
3. Banks do not lend successful business with great collateral security, $10 million @ prime plus .50% period. So there must be a high degree of certainty this LOC does not pose any risk - Banks only extend funds when they expect an immediate payback and they know the risk is slim to nil. This is very indicative that a deal has been made, but the final pieces of the puzzle need to be finalized first. i.e. the three remaining titles remaining to be approved by the local Gov't, which will provide Galway 100% ownership and the ability to transact a sale.
Once the above three titles are 100% Galway's a quick sale will catch many, except the most optimistic off guard.
The pieces are almost in place!! GLTA.