Post by
Pocketfulofhope on Sep 05, 2019 7:03am
Solace will close this week or next
Geyser is moving forward nothing is preventing that. If you liked geyser at .70 or .80 you should love geyser at .42. We have bottomed as most of sector has. But we have the solace deal and I suspect it will be accompanied with more great news. Maximum impact would be close solace have another acquisition of two lined up. Maybe a partnership deal and some distribution deals in place. This would of I should say could move the stock over dollarland .. solace has 3 million is revenue give or take. Once these product get more exposure the revenue will soar. I’m out of funds but if I had more paper I would snag some of these cheapies now before the next news cycle hits . Great luck all geyser should have positive traction soon
Comment by
ZincMan1 on Sep 07, 2019 3:05pm
From your tips of your fingers to the TSX;s ears Pocket! it will make a difference in cash flow and sales for sure.