Post by
Wangotango67 on Oct 17, 2021 10:21am
Around the Keithley Creek area,
there are 3 distinct rock anomalies - volcanics, quartz, limestones
Great pathfinders in which tells the explorer what's going on below grade.
These three pathfinders seen above grade could be signs of an overlooked fault lne .
Now, what's been overlooked in this region Cariboo corridor ?
Phyllitic rocks.
Or, what i call common - greywacke. ( mudstone )
In my opinion, there was a massive water diluge that passed through rthis area.
Hence - the significant phyllitics or greywacke presence.
If one scans a satelite map, its easy to see the imprints of a torrential watershed that ripped tyhrough this area. Such creates ( fines ) and as so, greywacke metamorphic rocks are formed.
My spidey sense says...
there could be several zones of greywacke that have bene overlooked for 3 reasons.
1) placer miners went looking for the easy gold and dismissed the greywackes.
2) most junior explorers look for the A typical faults or veining, volcanics.
3) grewackes are shuned - as most surveys can't pick up any good signals due to the clays
with in the mud stone greywackes.
One should not dismiss the greywackes in this region, for their potential of harboring dignificant placer gold that may have gone undetected over the years.
Miners back in the day, would shudder the tohught of running clays for the veery reason of,
too difficult on machinery and the clogging effects of the sluice boxes/ball mills
Where cvould a potential gold depoist be with in a secondary - greywacke host rock ?
This is here one needs a - RADAR - map that allows one to veiw the terrain in bedrock form.
Looking for those distinct water eash patterns with choke point resistence bottle neck s that allow the gold to pocket - sealed in mudstones and over time - lock up into a meta greywacke rock.
here's a link depicting - Keithley Creek - with volcanics, quartz, limestone, and
the infamous mudstones, greywacke, phyllitic rocks abutting the claims.
Hence - why i pointed out the - delta - intrusion on Cariboo lake.
There's another interesting area just south west of Keithley clais, where a ripple effect in the terrain is seen, - immediately adjacenent to - Karus's gold creek claims.
i'd grab that zone in a heartbeat - know that there may be a potentilal terrain resistence that acted like a - large sluice - capturing the gold before exiting towards Spanish Deposit .