Here's a Hawk map depicting where a 2019 drill program tapped one hole.
Where should they have drilled ?
Exactly on the Railway proerty where they
sampled very good copper + silver findings.
Here's a mapcarta map pinpointing Tahtue Mountain.
Reference the mineral samplings map and then compare to the Mapcarta map.
There's distinct vein like outcrops that exude a grey ore.
A good 3km east to west " grey ore rock showing "
spans the area where it says - not drilled.
The 2019 drill hit an area of totally different geology.
Appears as if it might be on another range unassociated to the core copper silver findings.
i would think... a drill program of 500m would do wonders.
Tapping 10 holes 50m each along this 3km exposed strike might be the -
fix. That 2019 loner hole is a real head scratcher - given - all the best results of samplings is where the drills should've hit.
Heck... even a winkie drill running 25m each hole - cut the costs - would reveal lots.
Given the outcrops are right at surface.
Thosr are some nice copper + silver samples.
I wonder if there's zinc ?
I did notice platinum was also in the mix.
Surprise, surprise.
I also reccommend Hawk to test their 2019 dril lcores with their - XRF.
As one can read, in prior posts.... copper can take on all sorts of bonds.
In this McBride area. other miners have 2 kinds of copper.
Just saying...
I also think.. the 4-5 finger arms off to right side of map, of Mt Thateu looks similar to the
ores in the 3km strike zone. Appears loose tills are easily accessible to test. From the word -
Mount Thateu is where the snaking grey outcrop is located.
An unusual - oviod - is positioned almost center of this 3km grey strike.
Interesting it is... water pocket ? volcanic related ?