Post by
Wangotango67 on Nov 11, 2021 1:26pm
- looks like sedimentry style ( sheets )
- 1- 4 meters with - copper.
- what should the drill campaign seen in drillling ?
- shallow drills tracking the seiment sheet / band
- hope for a kilometer near surface sheet of 1-4 meters mineralized zone.
- prior rock samples - PROVE - the copper is there....
- one photo show a range folded onto another...
- almost like capping the surface - pancake.
- this area appears t obe - sediment sheet formation - ranges.
- the odd volcanic rock - throw the geologist off...
All those great copper samples,
but... the drill rig hit the other range, where no samples were taken ?
just going by the map.
-.2 big miners just south of, McBride.
- 2 big players that are into - copper.
- and.... on the hunt for more copper...
- why has Hawk never shown anyone the drill cores and lab assays ?
- why is this stock with resistence on the ask ?