Post by
Baseballfury on Feb 23, 2021 6:46pm
What a Real Baseball Fan Realizes About Bac0n
Obviously the first post from Basebaiifury (note the difference with two iis) was Bac0n. The real deal is this - yes, he was right this time. However, a true baseball fan would also recognize the other 99 times he was wrong - after all, this is a game of statistics. Note he was not the only one - a ton of people had been predicting a pullback over the last few days.
So instead - look at their batting average of 0.01 (that's lower than the Mendoza line). Remember the "it will never hit $5 arguments"? The number of times that he predicted correction when it didn't happen the next day?
It wasn't hard to predict a pullback in general - Bitcoin and Ethereum went parabolic. What Bac0n didn't tell you is how much money they lost before today. Always look at what they don't say.
Comment by
Bac0n on Feb 26, 2021 1:57pm
Ill leave this here, your words. Not mine. also you say "it wasnt hard to predict a pullback", did you predict it? did you sell at the top? doubtful -Bac0n
Comment by
Baseballfury on Feb 26, 2021 2:05pm
You used to be much better at covering up your BS. I miss the old Bac0n.
Comment by
Bac0n on Feb 26, 2021 2:09pm
so even though you claim it was obvious a bitcoin pullback was coming, and any idiot could have seen that. you didn't take advantage of it? why not? *sits with head in hands eagerly awaiting the BS to follow* -Bac0n
Comment by
Baseballfury on Feb 26, 2021 2:14pm
You're really struggling today eh? What can we do to help?
Comment by
Bac0n on Feb 26, 2021 2:15pm
lol and you try to call me the liar. *takes a bow* I made my point -Bac0n