Comment by
Buyhigheatchips on Jan 27, 2021 5:12pm
Well-placed for the clean energy bubble/boom with lots of neat ideas. Still nothing built to prove production levels. Indeed, the story remains the same.
Comment by
therealmccoy on Jan 27, 2021 5:26pm
I see the chip eating clown/cockroach Buyhigheatchips is back..... you remain the same and nothing has changed with you.... read the news reading HPQ and PYR, everything is on track and things have never been better! eat chips and leave this board!!!!
Comment by
Trainstation on Jan 28, 2021 3:24am
Also, don't judge HPQ-Silicon for it's performance at the moment. People are joining in on the GME squeeze, they will be back after that play.
Comment by
Trainstation on Jan 28, 2021 9:18am
Except they have? HPQ is getting more and more popular on pennystocks and canadapennystocks on reddit. People are waking up to the insane potential of this company. But HPQ losing a couple of % in await of news and GME squeeze returning insane gains and actually turning into a activist struggle is enough for me to connect the dots.