The following was taken from a poster named Donice on Agoracom:
I do not have the background that many of you have to try and figure what this new tech is. But I doubt any of you will be able to. This is a new discovery the tech has been kept secret and likely taken years to develop and you think you can read a couple books to figure it out.
Maybe it's all bunk. Nothing ventured nothing gained. If it doesn't work it was a great ploy to deflect attention until everything else is in place or wow this is going to be the jackpot.
So why waste your time to figure something out that took years to invent and all their notes are secret. Let the process unfold. If you think it is useless then bail and sell your shares. Or buy as much as you can afford as this is going to be one hell of a ride, or the technology will be useless and not cost a thing and the pilot plant will be up and running.
Buying stocks is a gamble when it is a bust it is such a downer but when it is a winner what a rush. My bet is on Bernard as I figured out the message from the shirt he was wearing in the last video...Lol