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Thinkbigsti69 on May 03, 2023 4:09pm
Tamy tamy tamy what are we going to do with you
It would be a good time for you to scamper off with your tail between your legs. LOL
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Alothian on May 03, 2023 5:20pm
ya! because the share price shot up so he should feel embarrased..... except it didnt, and this is still just dead in the water, so tell me who should be running off
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Thinkbigsti69 on May 04, 2023 9:46am
Thanks tamyflop you might have convinced a few to buy. LOL
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Alothian on May 04, 2023 10:18am
Nope still a dud. Maybe will have some more buying when we are sub .20
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tamaracktop on May 04, 2023 10:39am
That'll be pyrogenesis selling. At least part of the selling most likely. They'll report in a couple of weeks, and they'll have to disclose how many shares of HPQ they've sold during the quarter. They own about 20 million shares, but they don't have to file insider transaction reports because that isn't 10%.