Post by
Wangotango67 on Mar 23, 2016 10:55pm
Hey guys....
I will admit - i too am uncertain - it is scary - sunk a lot of money in this one - and i don't know how the system really works -
When and if it rolls - how do we even get to the TSX - does pyd have to apply - does it take time -- do they have to be approved ?
Will it cost money - more money to be listed on the TSX - ? I thought we had to be at a dollar to be listed on the TSX ?
When others say pyd can be offered to institutional investors or marketed - how do they do that - who does that - ?
And - i understand mutual funds - like whats sold at a bank - a group of stocks put into a fund - would pyd be like that - or how would they be sold to others ? I don't quite understand how that works - as in - will they be placed on a list - and advertised to other investors as a most likely with most potential ?
Also - what would the new appraisal be - or valuation - based on so little shares out after the reverse ?
I wish someone would do the math - a guesstimate - to p;rovide a lil piece of mind -
If the new share count will be around 34.5 million - and a 10 million EBITDA - 2016 - AND POTENTIAL OTHER CONTRACTS - whatcould the new price target be estimated at ?
Also - i thought a year was a long time - lol - hey new to investing stuck in two trades for about a year... And my worry is the global economy - lots going on out there - its hard to think too long term - given the uncertain markets -
- TWO DIFFERENT OUTCOMES - Will the transition happen before q-4 ? After q-4 ?
I hope after - all because the price could rise upwards - and if so - after the reverse split could provide shareholders with more shares - on the back side - and provide a par value for the majority thathold most @ .07 cents .
I find it a hard pill to swallow - knowing im stuck at a higher buy in - making it all the more risky breaking even - i wish i never bought as much and wish i could have averaged down to the .045 - i sure would be a lot happier going in par value - but it is what it is - - i just hope the price increases - even a lil more -
I feel left out of the party - and though im well above the .07 cent buy in - i would be a gentleman to say - i hope that the price at least achieves .07 cents before the roll - to at least be fair to all the majority of stock holders whove bought in at that price...
Yes... I would be happy to see that happen - and know it was a fair value for those who hold the most stock - that they got a fair shake...
Just my opinion - and trying to look at it in a fair way -
Cheers !
Comment by
RegularJoe on Mar 23, 2016 11:02pm
Wango buds, your scaring me by asking the same question every post 345 million shares - .22 target 34.5 million shares - $2.20 target juat times everything by 10 for the love of God
Comment by
SilverSaver333 on Mar 23, 2016 11:42pm
You have to pretend that your initial investment is gone, since it's been such a long period of time. The least amount of money you had was when PYD was at 3 cents. Now we are at 4.5, so you are really up 50 percent not down 50 percent. Otherwise, you are going to hesitate selling during a price spike and possibly miss out on the cash in.
Comment by
blomskompskies on Mar 24, 2016 12:02am
I hope we see a spike in price before the RS so the 1:10 is worth aroubd a buck or better
Comment by
biggerr on Mar 24, 2016 7:46am
yes, they should be able to make a profit with a $10 mil, EBITDA , c'mon Macy you can do it