Post by
Wangotango67 on Apr 12, 2016 11:07am
Has anyone looked at the Q-4 for Shoal ?
I read up on - SHOAL - and loooked at thier Q-4 press releases - and uhmmm.... kind of blinked several times - pausing on their revenues - and then looked up and checked their stock price - then scanned the shares out - and said .... Hmmmm ?
I didn't see no EBITDA'S - nor did i read any - Earnings ? Just revenues ?
So - why are so many on this board hyper critical - did anyone see the stock price of Shoal ? Some on this board are - fixated on earnings - which is o.k. for the obvious reasons - but what about other gaming companes - its not the first one i read of where they say go to Sedar for more- or don'tpost earnings ... Now from what i read - i didn't see no earnings - just revenues... forgive me if i'm worng ....
So - what the hell is going on - with pyd ? They provide lots of info - and well - earnings hopefully is reported soon - and well.... look at pyd's revenues .... compared to other small gaming companies .... I implore others to read the entire report in the below link- and compare pyd to shoal... my eyes grew larger as i read further down the page.... all the while - remembering their SP is a big - $0.72 cents ? WOW !
If PYD goes positive - and the earnings are there - maybe pyd will have a far better chance of - seeing the SP rise - based on lower shares out - and i'm wondering based on 34.5 million shares out - and given the current rough Q-4 estimates of revenues and earnings - and a continued growth -
What the heck will be our new ..... EPS and Market CAP ? Why aren't we higher ?
Wango -
P.S. - ( sorry - had to make this post - it was too interesting what i read - great to compare - and far too tempting to pass up - notto post - and show others and ask what they think )
Comment by
Riverfolk on Apr 12, 2016 12:37pm
Wango, As an investor it is confusing to look at the share price. Look at the Market cap.... for instance PYD has a market cap of 13.8 million that will soon be .40 shoal is trading at .70 and a market cap of 40.5
Comment by
SilverSaver333 on Apr 12, 2016 12:49pm
I'm sure Shoal posted their full numbers on Sedar. You can't just pick another company and compare values. There are a crazy number of variables to consider. Earnings don't determine a price, buyers do.
Comment by
SilverSaver333 on Apr 12, 2016 3:11pm
Great post. Just like your others. But do explain, 'no matter what song and dance some Slipper Sam with a boat load of company paper to unload has to say.'
Comment by
Art35 on Apr 12, 2016 3:18pm
So, in the end, market is a weighing machine.