SS - the drama queen - you've totally taken my post out of context - If you took your head out of your a-ss for but a monment and even read the- link provided - the article is all about depreciation applied to accounting - wake up and stop embarrassing yourself - All you do is mock - ridicule - slam - poke jab - and in my opinion - your a jerk !
THIS BOARD IS FOR SHAREHOLDER DISCUSSION - seems you've strayed off course - lost your way have you ? You never have anything good to say - sniff sniff - !
If you don't like my posts SS - don't read them - if you don't like pyd - go find another stock You do like - what's the matter SS - having a bad day trading - lol -
If you had half a brain SS and read my post in light of what i was trying to OPENLY ASK - and like i said in my post - i don't understsnd it - and if you understood what was trying to ask - then you wouldn't look the fool as you always do - trying to paint someone bad while propping yourself up - seems this tactical manouver is your trade mark - your always on the hunt to find flaws or put another down - you don't do squat for DD - on pyd - and hopw many times have you been wrong in the past - shall i go there ? - Seems the last time you put me to the test - when you said you never pump a stock - lol - lol - lol = yeah - you sure ate your own words that day - when i showed you your own post that said you do pump - lol - such a dweeb - lol '
Back to accounting - Im sure there's many small businesses that choose not to add equipment depreciation - and like i said in my post - if its taken off the net - the net sum - then why can't that depreciation figure be added back on ? I dont understand this - get what im saying duh ?
Again - I don't know that answer - and i posted hoping someone would answer it - !
Again i'm no accountant - but the accounting research i was doing on depreciation - and the caption i posted in highlight yellow from the article - - sounds kind a like what i was trying to convey -
The article states SS - its a major issue - because it is included in the net income - and sounds like they're saying IT SHOULD BE ADDED BACK IN ? Who knows - that's why i posted this - hoping someone would know the answer - Heres the caption again -
Caption Quote - Depreciation is a major issue in the calculation of a company's cash flows, because it is included in the calculation of net income, but does not involve any cash flow. Thus, a cash flow analysis calls for the inclusion of net income, with an add-back for any depreciation recognized as expense during the period.
Accounting Link -
In my former post i asked - Does this mean - they can add back depreciation - to rectify the net income - and therefore - show the original net sum ?
SO PISS OFF - SS - Your a small minded man - Always bitc-hing - More like whining -
Yeah - your da - macho marachino man - lol