Post by
RegularJoe on May 11, 2016 9:44am
Insider buying - 9000 shares
The most upsetting thing is that Macy bought at .04 and got those shares before I did, you sly dog you. Very positive sign....
Comment by
Allah_says_BUY on May 11, 2016 7:02pm
9000 shares at 4 pennies is only $360 Canadian. Macy spends more than that out having drinks with the boys on Friday after work. It will be a truly positive sign when he, the management and members of the board are spending thousands of dollars to buy hundreds of thousands of shares, the way the rest of us retail investors do. Anything else is meaningless.
Comment by
RegularJoe on May 11, 2016 7:49pm
Cough cough, we had a roll back on May 2.... Cough cough he bought on the 4th.... 9000 shares at .40= $3600 he also owns 800,000 shares X .48 = $384,000 worth of stock
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blomskompskies on May 11, 2016 8:36pm
Everyone at poydras is grossly over paid imho.
Comment by
Riverfolk on May 11, 2016 11:00pm
I agree with Allah on this one, several board memebers do not own shares in this company and executives are making upwards of $250,000 annually. It is time that the board and management step into the market and show confidence. The $4000 buy from Mr Macy is a start but i am hoping the volume to increase going forward from other players involved.
Comment by
SilverSaver333 on May 12, 2016 12:15am
Warning to anyone new. There is alot of big talk from shareholders on this board, but Macy is appearing more like a con artist every day