Comment by
VPofFNE on Jul 13, 2016 10:48am
Thank God, finally someone is talking about company facts again, good job RegularJoe! Apparently Macy is in Toronto this week, meeting with some of the larger investors/brokers of PYD. I know a couple that he is scheduled to meet with, I'll touch base with them afterwards and get their impressions. VeeP
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Riverfolk on Jul 15, 2016 9:26pm
The meetings in Toronto must have went well given the large volume today, Veep any word?
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VPofFNE on Jul 16, 2016 8:15pm
Ok T4H, I already owe you a lunch at Cactus Club, let me see what I can do to earn back some dignity. I say that the company does not announce a PP on or before Sept 9th. Timmy's in on the line! VeeP
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KeithORichards on Sep 09, 2016 7:58am
You were a gentleman to remember to pay up, and to leave a tip. I was pretty sure VP woulld collect, as I was at all those meetings save for one. Keith
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RegularJoe on Jul 16, 2016 11:22am
So all the selling went into the bid, but the bid was higher then the previous day close... We had a gain for the day lol. Your classic