Post by
PingPong888 on May 02, 2020 3:48am
What an exciting time we are all in!
If you look at the market, we are heading into a recession for both USA and Canada (if not already in one);
The first dip occured when COVID was announced. You can see companies like Air Canada went down.
The second dip will be caused by a existing or upcoming recession that will hit the entire stock market. With trillions of dollars in liabilities by the government as defecit to sustain our currency, we will see the economy to inflate towards a recession.
Now with LBL, as I had mentioned in my previous post, this is an exciting ticker.
The world has never been in a situation where it did a world-wide lockdown. That means ALL CONSUMERS are focused on the four lines of defence:
1) Ventilators, masks, hand sanitizer, etc.
2) Test Kits to identify if one has COVID
3) Treatment
4) Vaccines
Never in the world history has there been CONCENTRATED news, papers, articiles, research, promotion on the topics of those four lines of defense.
Stem cells have been overly restricted due to politics in trying to win over religious groups. The best part about LBL is that it won't require the killing of any babies (i.e. abortion).
If this works, this will open doors to not just COVID, but many other diseases that need treatment. The money here is endless.
I would be very interesting to see what the price could go up to.
LBL has the chance to grow its operation, be bought out, or conduct partnership. Regardless of the private placement it received, I believe its plans will be to save lives, receive revenue, be self sufficient, and be one of the many game changers in the market.
Guy and Chad, if you're reading this, you guys rock!
I know they've been reading our forums. All the material we post up here, they've used it after the fact on twitter, etc.
Fellow investors, be patient! They're working hard on getting the job done and doing it right!
Comment by
Nomoreshells4me on May 02, 2020 6:41am
PingPong888. Can you check your inbox. Thanks