Post by
taxdemicco on Dec 30, 2010 5:09pm
Seismic Report Soon, Huge Increase
IR said that they would be an investor conference in January 2011. We now have confirmation date of January 18th.
Since IR was reliable on this point, we can also assume with accuracy that IR will be accurate on its prediction of a substantial increase in oil estimates in its seismic report to be issued in January 2011.
You are the privileged few whom know of LFD now. The world will begin to find out about LFD on January 18th.
LFD and management have a strong interest in getting LFD stock over $ 1 per share as it will give them leverage to call in the exercise of warrants at 65 cents and 75 cents this year.
Given that LFD will be an oil producer with a $ 3 billion asset under development which contains up to now 132 million barrels of oil, we should see a significant apreciation in stock price.
PS: Those whom doubt this, did you see, going from 60 cents to $ 2 in as little as 1 month.
We have 6 months of rallying to do.
NB: Forget Maysteeler, remember Taxdemicco as I am the one calling for material apreciation on this stock. I made no such call on VST and WZR and have suggested that others unload their positions in those stocks to buy LFD.