Post by
prairie08sheik on May 19, 2011 2:32pm
Wait until results from WZR and VST
LFD continus to slide. Could it be that a lot are on the side lines waiting for results from WZR-any day now and VST-probably late June before committing any money to LFD?
Another person mentioned that they have $16M financing for the drilling. Is that enough when one reads the type of drilling they have to do-WZR had loads of problems and such a long wait for VST.
SNM seems to have some success.
Myself, tempted at these low prices but may only have to wait a few days to find out what WZR has or haven't.
Comment by
ogod00 on May 20, 2011 10:38am
a more probable explanation could be that sane shareholders suddenly realise that they are holding a stock which has been bought by self medicating lunatics. Seriously are you here to make maysteeler look competent by comparison?