Post by
dreamer05 on Sep 05, 2011 11:36am
old discovery
Everyone knows that Steeler has been reminding us more than 200 times that thaere is the 5000 b/day discovery 70 years ago. I was wondering is there a possiblility that this discovery will disappear over time. To my knowledge there is no other big oil company
extracting oil around this region. No body is stealing oil under the ground. Or better for shareholders is there a possibility that oil from other regions flows to this area. Just imaging LFD holds the size is this region as big as the island of Montreal. Only 30 ' thick of oil underthe ground will need hundreds of oil tanker to remove them. We need a geologist to clarify that. Again there might only oil the size of a swimming pool underneath. It is up to each of you shareholders to interprete the outcome. Let's have faith, if not nobody should invest in this stock.