It is becoming painfully obvious that this board is being infested by bashers and weak kneed willy's that can't think objectively for themselves. If someone writes a clear message you don't downgrade it for clarity. Now, when it comes to content and you are in honest disagreement, then sure poor marks are in order.
The fact that my last message was hammerred for clarity clearly shows the bashers are at work here as they will try to attack everything and anything that refutes their constant bashing and will try to drag down anything that might actually make some good points, including the medium. It's the old theme of shoot the messenger, shoot the validity of the message and shoot the vehicle that transports the message, as well as anything to do with it. They have made me laugh my azz off because they are so pitiful in their bashing stratedgies.
My underlying point however, on this is that the silent majority on this board need to make themselves heard and to run the bashers out of town as it were, otherwise you'll get what you deserve, that being a lousy share price, no interest in the play, big instability and a good old fashioned drubbing on your investment. We are missing out on a good honest discussion about what may be happenning and that is extremely frustrating to me as well as many other honest investors, I am certain.
Newbies won't invest in the play because they have been persuaded by bashers to perceive that it is a worthless investment without taking the time to investigate the real facts. Nervous neelies see the first little bit of controversy stirred up by the bashers and steer clear of investing because they haven't made a dime in their lives by investing in anything muuch riskier than T_Bills.....
Come on people get with the program by voting for what you think makes sense and also posting where you stand here and in the process let's make this goof 40 and others crawl into their respective holes.
Regardless, as I stated before, we will see who has the last laugh on this, if and when an announcement is made about a takeover or significant purchase of assets. I will love the day I get to say loud and proud, " I told you so" and I have a strong inclination that that day is probably a lot closer than many think.