Post by
namlous on Dec 10, 2020 7:12pm
loop AI
Loop is worth 2.50 and uplsiting to the nasdaq. Where is our Findify. Wierd how everything associated with namaste is never on the rise. I have been with namaste for a long time and watched my investment drop time after time.
Go namaste. Yeah!!!! I guess
Comment by
DirtyCadillac69 on Dec 11, 2020 7:27am
High Tide is on the rise, they have a relationship with Namaste through CannMart and have applied to be on Nasdaq and were profitable last quarter. Year end due soon and should give a good idea of how much product CannMart sold of their product so it will give us a fair idea of how Namaste is doing before they release their year end. Gotta watch em all!