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Mostawesomest on Sep 21, 2022 10:51am
I like that you respond to pet names
Keep dancing! Confucious say "Beware those who post only on one stock for they are a fool"...I'll keep my FAF comments directed at your big, highly edumacated brain because obviously you're a billionaire-in-the-know kind of guy. Lost 41 mill compared to last year, loss of 21 mill in the qtr...and 18 mill in the bank...methinks analysts wont be paying it much attention shortly...oh and it begs mentioning their SP performance is actually worse than LFST...yikes..keep pretending you didn't pump it though...much smart...many savvy...LMAO..renember, you're the dude relentlessly bashing a stock that trades less than $10k daily...if I was a billionaire, I'd find better hobbies...but go you ;-)
Comment by
randomtask on Sep 21, 2022 11:58am
maybe check the analyst targets before continually embarrassing yourself :) you realize there is a difference between a loss and cash burn, right? It's quite evident you don't understand financial reporting and that's why to fit in perfectly as a lifeless bag holder :) what do the analysts say about lifeless? Oh right they have no coverage lol