Post by
Wmaver on Aug 23, 2022 3:00pm
Proxy Votes
Seems to be a wealth of knowledge here, One question I just thought of. It is understood that a vote is required to happen to approve any potential buy out of a publicly traded company like LME. If the insiders hold 80% we all already know a vote is just a rubber stamp, as they control more than enough to put anything through. But if the directors had proxy voting power from enough of those insider shareholders. Would they even need to hold a vote? Or just announce the results from the vote and majority of shares they hold or have proxies for?
Comment by
Jdsocials on Aug 23, 2022 5:57pm
I completely agree there will be more, I just don't think it'll be tied to the Sept 7th deadline is all.
Comment by
Jdsocials on Aug 23, 2022 5:55pm
Sorry, ignore double post