Yes. I have been given the "a little patience" story before. In fact you told me that in January. Even on one I've held for 14 years I have been told to have a little patience. Maybe I have to hold something for more than 20 years to earn my stripes and be considered to have had some patience.
Maybe a little more action on the part of management in gaining recognition for the assets they were holding, relative to others in the basin, might have been more effective and wouldn't have stretched my 'impatience' so much.
How long have you been "patiently" holding with no concerns? Here's a post of yours from March, 2013 -- exercising your patience at the time.
"Hello Zadman:
I called the company CEO the other day. No pick up and no return call. I am a stockholder.
What kind of activity is there going on at the Southern end of the Ranch? CHK has a rig running?
How many wells have they drilled, and to what targets? Are we seeing any cahs flow yet from them on the Royalty?
What action is Devon or anyone else doing on our fringes to the North, East and West?
The comapny web-site and maps or lack there-of give about ZERO information about the Mitchell Ranch property.
Why do all the Canuck companies with major material assets like the Mitchell Ranch, when they do a JV, they do NOT disclose who their partner is? Like it's some kind of important company secret? This is DUMB, IMO."
Read more at I guess we aren't that different.