Post by
SchiffKnowsBest on Jun 21, 2018 3:21pm
We Would Have Gone To 0 Under Broshko
That is a certainty. I drank his Kool-Aid for quite some time and even campaigned against WJ way back when. We've got a fighting shot here under WJ and board, as they have been willing to work on our behalf for nothing or next to nothing. Good things take time and I suspect our patience will pay off. Share structure is primed for any type of good news.
Comment by
dusty6 on Aug 22, 2018 1:28pm
If Ian has already secured the IP for himself why would he even care what anyone thinks? He is like a rat scurrying around in the dark setting things up for himself. Once the doors are shut will he peddle he wares and reap the booty?