Post by
daw2 on Jun 24, 2020 5:23pm
Mark Saxon has truly changed the dynamic at MDL
It used to be "Wash, Rinse, Spin" ....repeat
Now it's "Spin, Spin Spin"...repeat!
In deference to full disclosure, I recently sold my entire holding @ $.135 after holding for
over 10 years having bought in around $2.30 and would recommend any/all shareholders to take whatever pennies are on offer now because I see nothing left in this hollow shell but hype.
Comment by
Stockpolice1 on Jun 25, 2020 3:15am
Your problem when have pay 2,30. I have buy now !
Comment by
daw2 on Jun 25, 2020 5:07am
I doubt that your ROI will be any differant than mine.
Comment by
investor55x on Jun 25, 2020 9:28am
With all respect, I think it was a serious mistake that you've sold your shares now at these low prices. Especially regarding the huge potential of this company that lies ahead within the next 2-3 years.
Comment by
gnote1 on Jun 25, 2020 10:10am
daw2 sold all his/her shares? If he had any to begin with! He sold all his/her shares but he/she still has time to post on the MDL board, lol. daw, if you're out then get out!