Post by
Redrum180 on Sep 25, 2021 1:17am
Life Saving Technology Languishing
It's time for MEDX to push to get this technology out there. I don't quite understand how the product is approved in Canada, NZ and other places, only to wind up on the shelf.
My assumption is it's only covered if doctors use it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
If that's the case, couldn't Canadian dermatologists -- who I understand are in short supply and may not be able to see patients as soon as they'd like -- license physician assistants to screen folks with suspicious moles? Wouldn't that make the procedure covered by Health Canada?
I would appreciate your comments a/o corrections.
Comment by
hopefull on Sep 25, 2021 4:32pm
Thanks for the detailed explanation. Does explain the reluctancy for Canadian pharmacy chains to jump on board. Sad lives here in Canada seem not to matter. Hope somewhere in the world this technology will be adopted in large formats. Doesn't seem like this will attract the kind of results we were hoping for so many years ago.