Post by
SunsetGrill on Apr 10, 2022 7:45pm
Nelson- do you read what you write?
So ignore the market, ignore the sell off and ignore all people that do not see Sunshine and Lollipops for Mine. But don't ignore YOURSELF - You are touting a mine that by ur own admission is right on (actually below) the very thin wedge of being mineable and teetering to be profitable (gee sign me up) and would need a million things to go their way to eek and scrape out a profit qtr after qtr. - now let's talk about the cuclicality of metal prices - a modest dip lasting a mere yr shuts this operation down (gee where do I sign up) No idea of extracting costs of the very low grade ore but this is a winner for sure
The market has spoken and you have ignored what they have said - which is ur perogative, but just read your own posts. I want to invest on a company living on the edge of existence - No thanks I'll pick ones with better grades that will survive any downturns in the economy and still be viable (psst have u heard any talk of a recession lately - what happens during one of those ? Oh ya they build mines that likely will have a very tough go to be profitable- that's where I want my money) Bashers control every aspect of life