Where to begin? Folks, 20 million shares here....basically Deluce's OWN this company, you think they are going to sell it for 80 cents????? These are very smart people, very, very successful.
Next, KL obviously loves this Carscallen property, they just keep extending their drilling (drilling is expensive)...they(KL) know what they are pulling up.....sulphides are very visible. They would have been gone long ago if they did not like what they see. KL's mission is to find more gold....very very smart people who know what they are doing. Next, we are in a very 'down cycle' for explorers. Bit- Con and the millenials AND a rigged US FED...3 forces against real value(gold). This is temporary. While we wait, watch this excellent interview from yesterday with Pierre Lassonde. He has seen this 7 times!
M & A''s are coming AND, $1700 gold is HUGE PROFIT for KL, ABX, AEM....no pity party for these guys.