Dear Friends
Please ensure you vote, if you do not vote it helps the proposal get accepted.
They require 66.6 per cent of the votes that were sent in.
with Dati Sia 55 million shares gives them the votes if people do not vote.
Why am I so involved in this campaign.
I own Barrick Gold, recently purchased Netflix and Arena resources. Play in and out of Power Corp and BP, remain at 50% cash and own Monument.
like yourselves I had the wool pulled over my eyes jumped in and took a financial hit while a limited few made millions.
this all occurred due to deals that gave the BOD control with very limited shares.
Csthy with her $496,445.00 US compensation must also have substantial stock holdings or investments.
Do you ever wander why at these wages, she has a small investment in Monment Mining.
Cathy Is our CEO and Interim CFO.
in the last 2 Yesrs we have gone through 3 Interim CFOs. What is the issue, are they seeing something that is a concern. Are they refusing to sign off on documents?
from all my investments, this one has hurt me. My $.50 investment is now at $.08 and nobody has an interest in purchasing shares.
lnvestors see something Is skewed .
This proposal will make matters worse for us, with even more limited shareholders rights the only people that will benefit I'd throw Board of Directors,
Please vote as the forthcoming profits and cash flow could very well go towards special wages and agreements that could be implemented.
taking yhe corporation out of the CBCA is not in our best interest, it's in there best interest.
if the Proposal fails they will have no choice but to deal with us properly.
Thank you