Exerpt which makes very good points..
Despite gold’s price rising over the last three years, MacLeod believes we aren’t really seeing a bull market yet. He says that interest in gold is disappointing, with nearly every investor, public and private, severely underweight in gold.
MacLeod estimates that, of the $150 trillion in global savings, less than 1% is currently in gold.
Nevermind prices: when these portfolios adjust to 5%, 10% or even what MacLeod finds a more reasonable 15%, where is the gold going to come from?
Merely adjusting to 2% would require 23,000 tons of physical gold! That’s 10% of all the gold mined in human history…
We already know what a 1,000 ton annual purchase for two consecutive years does for gold. We’ve seen it over the past two years with the official sector.
Since central banks aren’t likely to stop these purchases, MacLeod leaves us wondering just how soon the rest of the world will catch on.
When $150 trillion in global savings begins to diversify with gold, just how fast a