Post by
Abass71 on May 05, 2021 11:03am
It's like they don't care about the stock price.....
I sit here and ponder the reason they didn't play up the 400% increase in Rev over 2019, the positive EBITA in final quarter.
There has to be a reason.
I know that insiders hold shares in the company so they want the price to go up.
There has to be a big bombshell that they are holding on to that will sky rocket the price so they are not worried about these little day-to-day changes.
Anyone have any ideas???
Comment by
AucontraireII on May 05, 2021 1:07pm
I really think that for all intents and purposes it is PTF that is make-or-break for this company. So far to my knowledge it has not been tapped at all. Can anyone shed any light on PTF? It's quality, desirability, etc., and not what the company says but what users say? Anybody?