Post by
nemo3 on Mar 22, 2010 12:16am
where will NAG sp go?
I think we are at least 30 plus days away from mine 2 up and running due to the 30 day requirement referenced earlier.
It is difficult to say where the sp will head once they get mine 2 up and running. I guess it depends on how # 1 is performing and how fast they can actually get employees and eqpt in to work the mines to maximum capacity.
Thoughts anyone?
Comment by
stavros67 on Mar 22, 2010 12:20pm
Jay Taylor said that NAG should be a ten bagger and I think that is very conservative. IT's only a question of WHEN, not IF, but when these additional mines come on line porducing revenue you will see the share price really start jumping. And, as that happens the stock will pass from weak hands to strong who see this as a value play rather than a typical penny dreadful only good for trading.
Comment by
chag25 on Mar 22, 2010 2:03pm
Invest in BC Gold ( V.BCG ) , lots of potentiel . I own NAG for 1 years and I still believe