Post by
bobby1231 on Dec 22, 2010 2:44pm
RE:RE: RE:My Thinking ...
The review process on LL was complete and a deal was to be reached. I just want to see it so I can get out of here for good. ( honestly I am so tempted to sell right now )
Comment by
donat50 on Dec 29, 2010 8:02pm
Hi Saturn4 I moved everything over to NOG glad I did .This one has been a dog .Too small a company with big ideas .The could have should have company .NOG is a winner .Got back all losses and made a lot more .GLTA .But nOG is where you should be .
Comment by
Wortep on Dec 29, 2010 9:28pm
Donat, I totally agree about your prognosis on NOG. But have decided to keep this one as well. Good Luck
Comment by
jenst11 on Dec 29, 2010 10:12pm
NOG(Mr.Benson is a great man), also have shares in the company since the 5 to 6 cent range. Great company and i too believe there is more upside to it. Another small Junior oil and Gas company that could take a run like NOG is Atikwa (V.ATK) got some big things happening in Jan. and a great take out target for a bigger oil company. Do your own DD.Nag should see a run in JAN.Good luck all