Post by
SUCYN on Jan 04, 2011 7:20pm
January 4, 2011: North American Gem Inc. (NAG) (TSX-Vsymbol: NAG) announces that pursuant to its stock option plan, theCompany has granted incentive stock options to its directors, officers,consultants, and employees to purchase in the total of 890,000 commonshares in the capital stock of the company, subject to regulatoryapproval, exercisable for a period of five years, at a price of
.125per share.
November 19, 2010: North American Gem Inc. (NAG) (TSX-V symbol:NAG) announces that pursuant to its stock option plan, the Company hasgranted incentive stock options to its directors, officers, consultants,and employees to purchase in the total of 1,250,000 common shares inthe capital stock of the company, subject to regulatory approval,exercisable for a period of five years, at a price of
.12 per share.
October 22, 2010: North American Gem Inc. (NAG)(TSX-V symbol: NAG) announces that pursuant to its stock option plan,the Company has granted incentive stock options to its directors,officers, consultants, and employees to purchase in the total of3,000,000 common shares in the capital stock of the company, subject toregulatory approval, exercisable for a period of five years, at a priceof
.10 per share.
May 21, 2010: North American Gem Inc. (NAG) (TSX-Vsymbol: NAG) announces that pursuant to its stock option plan, theCompany has granted incentive stock options to its directors, officers,consultants, and employees to purchase in the total of 1,750,000common shares in the capital stock of the company, subject to regulatoryapproval, exercisable for a period of five years, at a price of
.13 per share.
April 9, 2010: North American Gem Inc. (NAG) (TSX-Vsymbol: NAG) announces that pursuant to its stock option plan, theCompany has granted incentive stock options to its directors, officers,consultants, and employees to purchase in the total of 2,600,000 commonshares in the capital stock of the company, subject to regulatoryapproval, exercisable for a period of five years, at a price of
.185per share.
And the list goes on and on...