...good news from the Far North...Agnico's Meliadine (Meadowbank) had record Quarterly production
and the stock had a nice pop...partly (or maybe mostly) on the strength of Meliadine...so this far north property
is NOW being recognized as a valuable asset...previously Agnico was hammered BADLY due to the high costs
up north and the market treated it (Meliadine) as a huge liability and huge negative...the entire market of juniors
with Far North property assets
got hammered...I guess one should say "continued to get hammered"...hopefully this GOOD news re: the
good production at Meliadine will goose the prices ...perhaps the discussion will change from the constantly
negative (Costs Costs Costs) to the positive...the great drill results from the juniors (incl.NCG) and the Price
of Gold...AND the incredibly historical cheap LOW cheap prices of such stocks...GLTA