Is it not odd that most nickel juniors in North America
must seq co2 in their - magnesium ?
Only a small portion of, co2 seq per tonne is given in kick backs.
No mention as to where the magnesium carbonate will, go.
Back in ground....or like the UK report ( cement industry ) $$$$$
Nickel Juniors
If a junior is valued only with, sulphide minerals....
Why not the solid solution nickel, sulphide metals in solid solution,
and microcrystalines ???
Majority of, magnesium is in, silicates, periodotite, dunite.
So are.... wellgreens plat groups.
If there exists a carbonic acid ( co2 + water ) extraction....
And if this carbonic acid converts silicate minerals to carbonate.
And if.... converting to carbonate makes extracting easier....
Then... shouldn't nickel juniors be using this sort of extraction
doubling their mineral grades from the silicate, solution, crystalines ?
If not ?
Whose to say.... the co2 gang won't capitalize on these carbonate
minerals - ALL minerals converting to carbonate not just Mg.
Apply this across the boad ( all nickel juniors )
Mega billions of carbonate metal values.
Question ?
Does the copper industry fuss over,
oxide copper, native copper, crystaline copper ?
What happens to copper when it transitions ?
Azurite, Malachite, Borite ( peacock )
Do copper explor / miners include transitional copper ?
Most certainly.
Which is....all the more reason to include transitional
nickel silicates....and other minerals in silicates.
Again... no mention of what would be done with, Mg carbonate.
Just a portion kickback per tonne based on co2 tonne seq.
How about all the orher minerals converted to carbonates ?
= count how many juniors told to seq Mg ( wow )
How much does Mg carbonate fetch per tonne ?
Opting out of, Co2 seq = brings forth an Mg credit.
Using a co2 extraction allows junior to keep = carbonate minerals.
more profit.
Use platinum.... to reduce diesel generator emissions.
Magnesium Carbonate
Some juniors have well over 14% grades
= Mega billions not accounted for ( co2 seq checkmates Mg value ) in economics