Post by
Wangotango67 on Dec 10, 2023 11:32am
Only junior i inow who practices upper / lower hole.
Only junior i know who sent off whole 1/2 cores for extraction instead of,
entire core.
Only junior i know who said they'd test the sulphides at a later date.
And... they've also said ( over the years ) sulphides are the richest grades.
Yet, the silicates are just as well mineralized, but chose an extraction
that can't handle silicates - makes sense eh ?
Zone changes to the point,
new zones engulf / encrach the main east mine + closing in from west..
Moves that have dwindled the share price and valuation.
One party gaining another, losing.
Just like the quickly filed, pfs.
= moves that kept valuation low + racked up share count.
Are there be any logical reasons...
for these unusual billion dollar moves ?
I think there is...
Question becomes.... how to reward shareholders with a decent value
when stock price has been trimmed and tamed for years.
One could reverse engineer all the damage.
Reset zone boundaries.
Bring forth better extraction better recoveries.
New minerals added to bulk concentrate.
Add an iron concentrate ( min $2 billion NPV added )
= you'd create a much better share value.
But... it still wouldn't ressolve the easy excess shares accumilated
that inhibits a rightful valuation for shareholders.
Hence.... separating larger % share holders from common.
Is a good place to start.
Then, perhaps grafting the remaining common shares
into a major who has a valuation that can easily absorb / handle 260+ million shares
into their share structure without a flinch.... at a decent price. You know, how does one
ever make up for all these unusual moves.
Wellgreen is worth far more than most know.
Certainly not investment advice.
Post directed at, current shareholders and those who can pull the right
strings to make a betterment for common shareholders...
Considering what shaeholdes have put up with... i'd say pogess is - rather slow.
Whose to say this stock is currently traded while other large holdes gain
more % contol...would that be fair to common shareholders...?