Left Image - Wellgreen Slide show
Right Image - 2015 PEA drill logs
Note - 2015 PEA reveals Galatic's - 5,027m of
Surface Drills Nothing under -
underground If the Wellgreen slide show reveals Galactic drilled - 16,679m
Then.... 11, 652m are missing.
If nothing is shown in the 2015 ( underground ) drill logs
most likely the 11,652m were underground holes. EXAMPLE
10,000m ( 500m depths @ 100m spacing ) would equate to...
= 500mL x 300mW x 500m deep
202,500,000 million tonnes suppose these ores were the ug mine zone ?
or...contained typical avg grades - 0.26% Ni ?
= 526,500 tonnes Ni ( 0.26% )
= 1,158,300,000 lbs Ni ? Hence - the importance to factor all drill holes.
2014 resource included Johnsons hole
2015 resource placed Johnsons 762m hole outside pea pit
and 676m hole ( yet another hole ) i could not find.