Ever wonder what they are up to here?
They spent 10million$ or so on seismic work to determine if the faulting and intrusive zones continued as they expected.
Now they bought out one of the adjacent properties along the main fault(Labrador Mining). Now acquiring the royalties that were on part of their claims.
Does this not give you the feeling that they, and I mean the geologists and company officials, believe that there is a valuable economic gold deposit.
So many are going to be kicking themselves in the not too distant future when main stream investors realise what a fabulous property that has been accumulated.
There are certainly other investments in commodities and other stocks that will out preform NFG over the short term, I believe very few will do so over the medium to long term, and almost none have what I consider to be almost zero risk.
Gold is rising in value, and this has lots and lots of gold.