Post by
Dixiedee on Sep 15, 2024 4:17pm
Collapse or revalue
Assuming USA has the 8000 plus tons of gold it claims to have could they not revalue the gold in US$ at a much much higher # and have the dollar find it's much much lower value without defaulting they may have to give up much of their gold to achieve a no deflaut but all this does assume they have the gold it hasn't been audited in 1/2 a century or more so who knows if they have what they say .
China has a lot of natural resources and has been increasing its gold holdings many believe they have much more gold than they claim to have but who really knows
I belive everyone needs some actual precious metals gold and silver and to be debt free if possible before you start buying stocks being debt free puts you in control in good times and bad
Comment by
Global1966 on Sep 16, 2024 4:33am
Why does anyone trust the US government on anythingthey claim. Without an audit certificate they may have 800 tonnes. When was their last audit sign off