TSXV:NILI - Post Discussion
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deepoil0808 on Jan 01, 2025 5:53pm
PLAN OF OPERATIONS - incredible detail in it....
I consulted the Plan of Operations that was submitted by NILI and also of the work done by the BLM. In this field I am of the opinion that MOST investors are truly ignorant and unappreciative of the expertise and knowledge you need in order to conduct a project in the magnitude of which NILI has undertaken.
The mountain of laws, Federal, State, Municipal, which you need to aware of are incredible, including all the aspects of the environment (biological), historical and water usage. It was like reading a novel where every minute detail has to be accounted for.
Document is about 108 pages long and very detailed.
The BLM took the report and did their own investigation. Consultations and invitations were already send to the various Tribes and Enivormentalists in both August 2024 and October 2024. These presented no comments or objections to the project. BLM consulted also all the various government bodies whom may object to the project and none objected to it. The project is now seeking comments from the general public, which should be none as it is normal citizens whom do not have the expertise of the tribes or other government bodies.
Below is a letter drafted from BLM which says it all: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
Bureau of Land Management
Wells Field Office
3900 E Idaho St
Elko, Nevada
FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT for Nevada North Lithium Exploration Project DOI-BLM-NV-E030-2025-0003-EA INTRODUCTION:
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) prepared an environmental assessment (EA): DOIBLM-NV-E030-2025-0003-EA for the Surge Battery Metals USA Inc. (Surge) Nevada North Lithium Exploration Project in northeastern Elko County, Nevada, approximately 20 miles south-southeast of Jackpot. This Finding of No Significant Impact applies to the Proposed Action as described in Section 2.1 of the attached EA. The Proposed Action consists of exploration activities including: lithium mineral exploration and condemnation drilling; metallurgical characterization and testing via bulk sampling and test pitting and/or a large diameter drill core program; hydrogeologic investigations to support baseline characterization including installation of groundwater characterization wells, an exploration water supply well, Vibrating Wire Piezometers (VWPs), and surface water instrumentation; geotechnical investigations, including drilling and related sampling, bulk sampling of excavations, and test pits; infiltration testing via soil borings and test pitting; and reclamation of Project-related surface disturbance. Surge is proposing phased exploration and surface disturbing activities on up to 250 acres over a 3-year period for data collection within the 7,819-acre Project Area. Applicant-committed environmental protection measures (ACEPMs) identified in Appendix B of the EA would be followed. FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT: Based on my review of DOI-BLM-NV-E030-2025-0003-EA and supporting documents,
I have determined that the Proposed Action will not significantly affect the quality of the human environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required. This finding is based on the degree of the effects described in the following sections within the identified affected environment. The documents can be found at this link: https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2035156/570
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