Lets assume everything goes well.....when does a "financial close" happen before Oceanic gets paid? And when is Northland to issue news?
6.1 Investigative Schedule for Project Site and Met Mast A Phased Approach.
The purpose of this application is for Northland to have tenure for the Project Site and Met Mast while investigating the prospects of working with the Haida in a way that addresses their concerns and interests. If an ongoing process of successful consultation can be achieved, Haida concerns can be addressed, Haida participation in the project can be established and if that results in Haida consent to proceed, then Northland and the Haida can collaborate to investigate the prospects of obtaining a PPA with a credit worthy party. Based on positive progress on these two fronts and achieving agreed upon milestones, work on detailed studies required to complete a new Environmental Assessment and obtain all required permits will commence in earnest. It is anticipated that once the necessary precursors in place, permitting will take 2 -3 years followed by 2 – 3 years of construction and commissioning.