Post by
geodcan on Sep 17, 2022 6:29pm
When an individual decides to do a startup company
they aren't doing it for their health. They feel confident enough that they can draw investors to their businessplan.
Energy skus are a market unto themselves and have great potential.
Nu's has had a bad run so far judging from it's current shareprice and failed skus. Neuenergy is in an exciting, possibly profitable field that is hot with consumers and in the right hands could be a Monster, RedBull or 5 hour Energy in lozenge form.
I was more excited for their mention of cannabinoid infused beverages which in itself is another relatively new field with a ton of potential. Neutrisci has explored this but are running with their Tabletz and Neuenergy products. The jury is still out on Neuenergy that fizzled out once in Canada and it is unclear how it is doing in the US. It looks like there is interest in Germany and some of this product has been shipped, we are told. How long it takes to clear the importation process is unknown but after it does it needs to be promoted and to build sales before we know how well it is going to do.
Everybody wants to do something good for themselves and in a fast paced world, a energy promising lozenge has potential in the right promotional hands. It will take a couple of quarters to move the needle up on our shareprice unless we come up with a newer, better than anyone elses type of sku.
It isn't easy to launch and build a company as we already know. Neuenergy has had a couple of less than stellar products that didn't take off like a house on fire and that isn't even considering our associate's line of Cryopharm products that may or may not be in our stable. It is a great looking line and we had some kind of association, once upon a time that has never been explained to my satisfaction which leaves us to our Neuenergy and Tabletz of which the Tabletz, Japan deal lost momentum but may still be alive.
At this stage upper management has put up seed capital and effort and their success is keeping investors money rolling in and generating as much investment from products and promotion as possible.
Make no mistake, they may have already switched to the OPM businessplan and already awarded themseves with renumeration, either cash, shares, options, interest free loans or sold personal assets that cost pennies for tens of thousands.
I have personally experienced this type of behavior in a couple of my investments and it defies my imagination that there is so little integrity in these trusted financial wizards that they would be involved in this kind of behavior. Saving face doesn't even come into play and it is more like, they got away with it and we can too, or they are doing it so it must be okay.
Sadly it is the nature of newstart businesses to have a high failure rate and it starts with investors losing faith in the management and product line.
Super promoters can sell fridges to eskimos even if the product is less than spectacular and good promoters can raise money on a businessplan, but they have to put shareholders first and report back regularly. Good news is a plus and nothing speaks like profits.
Ignoring is the same as giving up and loses investors interest. Not telling comes off as the same as lying to public investors.
Our guy isn't a Bruce Linton that can inspire investors by sharing his dream so that leaves it up to reporting financials or good sales numbers, ultimately profits.
glta and dyodd
Comment by
NEWBIE65 on Sep 19, 2022 11:29am
and NU is not a start up company. So what is their excuse? Maybe some of the other things you mention. like fizzling out.... a product no one wants. no info ever released to its shareholders No profit but lots of loss. this company is a while lootttta NO! nothing nodda