I did not "play" all of these but I'd bet the #1 nxo investor just jumped from one to the next, losing 50% plus every time, never learning, still blaming.
the dot com explosion aka "the internet" , then crash. "This time it's different" and "this is a new paradigm" were the catch phrases I remember. 90% failed. Some spectacularly like Nortel,lucent,newbridge,jds uniphase, etc,etc,etc. yup I got burned badly but was saved by a wake up call I got when I was at my favourite oyster bar for lunch and the guys were making day trades between shucks. I actually said, "shucks, if this isn't as bad as a bad oyster, what is". I took my lumps and swore to use a stop loss and avoid what's "hot" ," paradigm shifting", or "different" . Fess up. Who else got burned or are you all too young?
I may not remember all the disasters since, because I avoided them. I may not get the chronology correct either but we have the calendar expert here to correct me.
blockchain. Anything that mentioned this was hot,hot,hot and I avoided like the bad oyster. I still don't understand what it even means. Many pumps made for many fortunes .... if you SOLD! Followed by many more catastrophic crashes and losses. Never bought a single one. Anyone else?
This morphed into the just as confusing crypto phenomenon. again, I just don't see any real investment merit in any of this other than the greater fool theory. Aka Ponzi scheme. Kids became billionaires and then went to jail. I'd bet #1 nxo still has money here and lost more than he'd ever admit. Never bought one. Never will.
Rare earths and lithium craze. First it was the RE, then lithium, now a bit of both. The prices of the metals went "no offer exponential which caused a staking and drilling frenzy. Juniors with 0 revenue, some with 0 orebodies, some with even 0 drill results that might be economic some day, many with market caps of $100s of millions or $billions. Then crashed. One example. Pmet went from pennies to 17$ with a multi Billion valuation. Now $4.50 and still has valuation of $600 million plus. Will it ever be a mine and make revenue? Probably. In the next 5 years? I wouldn't "bet" or invest on it.
marijuana stocks. Remember these? Again kids became rich overnight with a plan to build a greenhouse or with their grandparents old cucumber greenhouse. Now? So many went to zero I'll bet many here were burned. Nxo#1 must have lost millions and probably still owns some. I traded one of them last year when it looked like the USA might legalize. They still haven't. I chickened out and bailed at a small profit but I'm still watching. No way would I buy anything here without a tight stop loss. I'd rather get whipsawed than wiped out.
online gambling, dating sites (also gambling?lol), social media wanna be, solar power, electric cars, and on and on and on. There will be fortunes made and lost. GLTA.