Post by
CLOUDER on Nov 23, 2021 11:47am
HAVE corrected and now have turned the corner. you can`t get a better time for CGX to hit a discovery. TIMING IS EVERY THING. PS, YES a little more patience. soon real soon. to much has been invested by FEC to let this go if no hit ,a 70% chance of major oil here or any of the other targets in this area, no this will not be a 30 cents to know were my friends, a hit and CGX is a $10+ stock in a day, a miss and we resete to the next well spud in early JAN. is my take.
Comment by
Mat1791 on Nov 23, 2021 12:55pm
Slap back to reality... Political leaders who have platformed on satisfying the greenies are getting hit with the reality and economic repercussions of trying to move to quickly to an environmental future! The world no longer knows moderation...
Comment by
soulfire on Nov 23, 2021 2:40pm
In Biden's defense he could not remember his own name this morning, how is he to navigate these situations LOL.Obama and Clyburn to blame for getting Biden elected.