Post by
drunk@noon on Feb 25, 2022 10:50am
After the failed KAWA well, FEC needs to halt flushing
money down the toilet. It was a nice try, but failure is failure. CXG needs to stand on their own feet. Raise some money, if you can, that is. Off shore Guyana is actually a negitive to FEC, as they are cashflowing half their market cap, and without pi$$ing away money on another well, they would be FRee cashflowing 35-40% with brent at these levels. i.e they are better off buying back their shares than investing more in this offshore missadventure.
NAT GAS = Failure.
Comment by
CLOUDER on Feb 25, 2022 10:58am
THATS C.G.X. num nuts. and get ready to cover your shorts man,
Comment by
soulfire on Feb 25, 2022 11:04am
And yet FEC choose to ??? You're almost there DRUNK at NOON, 1 more hour
Comment by
IceDog13 on Feb 25, 2022 11:11am
It's 12:30 in Newfoundland, why wait!
Comment by
RightAngle45 on Feb 25, 2022 12:59pm
drunk@noon I worked on the drilling rigs for about ten years when i got out of school and characters like you were described as being a few stands off bottom.