Comment by
jada13 on May 01, 2022 7:50pm
Shorts are getting smarter. With a food and oil shortage that is only going to get worse We have a port and oil that are the top must have for people. Time to start rockin and a rollen.
Comment by
zerbo on May 02, 2022 12:50pm
Got a link ? Trying on Fintel Web, but "Oyl" is a no show
Comment by
oilinvestor2022 on May 02, 2022 1:48pm
I just used google fintel short report Cgx energy and it popped up. I can email it to you if you have trouble. It won't let me post a picture for whatever reason. oil investor
Comment by
a2bman on May 04, 2022 2:05pm
Fintel works fine for oyl but short position is at 314,000 apr 15th, not 30,000 like previous post unless they coverred since then. Plus its been going up slightly last few months not down